The Eye Of His Storm Read online

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  Cody, Margaret’s little boy, is starting school this year. Margie told me this is a special year: all the children starting school this year were born after the Dark came. Can you imagine a whole school full of children who don’t remember the world before? Makes you feel old, doesn’t it?

  Speaking of getting old, Bill has been talking about selling the business. Honestly, I don’t think he will—what would he do with himself all day if he retired? That man would go mad without a million projects to keep him busy. Jerry definitely got that from him.

  We all miss Jerry a lot, of course. I keep hoping, keep thinking that one day he’ll just call up and tell us all about the adventure he’s been having these past few months. He always was a wild one—even more so before he met you. You wouldn’t believe how much he settled down after you two got together. That was how I knew you must be something special. I’m so glad Jerry had someone like you in his life.

  Well, I’m just about out of writing time. Please do remember that you’re always welcome with your family here in Everly, and we’d love it if you showed your smiling face around these parts again. Take care of yourself, and write back soon!


  Edna (“Mom”)

  I didn’t bother trying to stop the tears; they were pouring from my eyes before I’d even finished reading. How could I ever go back there? Iowa wasn’t just half a country away—it was another world. Another lifetime, where I woke up to ruffled blonde hair and a crooked smile every morning.

  I heard the click of my bedroom door opening, and looked up to see Jerry standing there. The letter fell from my fingertips as I reached out for him, giant choking sobs wracking my body. He came closer, straddled my lap, and kissed my face, my tears shining on his lips. My hands caressed his face as his tongue slid against mine in hot, salty kisses.

  I pulled him close, warm and solid against me, and breathed the scent of him, musky and gritty and so very him, that godawful shampoo he liked to use lingering in his hair and I loved it—loved it because it was Jerry, warm and alive in my arms like he’d never left.

  “I missed you,” I whispered, kissing his neck, hands running over his back while his tangled in my hair. “I missed you so much.”

  His smile was warm and sad and perfect all at once, and this may well have been the most fucked-up thing I’d ever done in my life, but I didn’t care, because he was making those little sighing sounds that I loved so much, and his hands knew exactly where to touch even when mine had forgotten. I pulled him back on the bed with me, our bed, the bed we’d made love in just before he left. It was perverse, and it was terrible, and I didn’t care.

  His cock felt perfect in my hand, thick and throbbing in a familiar rhythm as I stroked him. He gasped wetly against my skin, every sound like music as I made him arch and writhe under me exactly the way I remembered. He let me take care of him the way I always had, let me lick him open until he was gasping and frantic, grinding back against my face, and I treasured every twist and shudder I drew from his powerful body.

  When my hunger for him had grown so all-consuming that all I could do was breathe his name and beg for more, he spread his legs for me just the way I wanted. His work-roughened calluses scraped my sensitive flesh as he guided my cock into him, and I nearly shattered from sheer joy, surrounded by the hot, tight press of his body.

  I buried myself in him, wrapped myself in him, drowned in him. My name was on his lips as he came, and I pulled him closer, tighter, as if I could make him a part of me, make him never leave me again.

  But when I woke up in the morning, it wasn’t Jerry next to me. It was just the kid, skinny and snoring, his face slack and looking even younger than before. I felt sick. I couldn’t even tell who was taking advantage of who anymore.

  Maybe it didn’t matter. Maybe we both needed this.

  The kid stretched and yawned, turning to blink sleepy ice-blue eyes at me. I half-expected him to back away in disgust, but instead, his face brightened with recognition, and he scooted closer, curling against my chest with a happy little sigh.

  With a finger under his jaw, I tilted his head up to face me. I meant to tell him that this was wrong, that I’d made a big mistake last night, that he did, too, and that he was absolutely not to ever do that again, but when I looked into his wide, shining eyes, I could see that he already knew.

  “What are you, kid?”

  He snuggled a little closer, wrapping his arm around my waist. “I’m…Micah.”

  “Micah, huh?” That was a start, anyway. “Well, Micah, we’ve still got a lot we need to talk about, and I’m not about to start making anyone any promises, but…” I groaned inwardly at my own plight—defeated once again by helplessness and puppy-dog eyes—and gave in to what, if I were being honest with myself, I’d always known would happen. “How would you feel about staying here with me?”

  And just like that, the rain stopped falling.

  Books By Casey Cameron

  Contemporary Romance

  Truth By His Hand

  More Than Luck (Legendary Pairs Book 2)

  Perfect Game (Legendary Pairs Book 1)

  Love Keeps Giving

  Paranormal Romance

  Tying the Knot

  Omega Studies

  His Alpha’s Alpha

  Omega On the Line

  Truth By His Hand

  I never thought I’d have a sexual awakening at 34, but, well…here I am: River Burke, novice deviant and master class neurotic mess. With my laundry list of control issues, submission doesn’t exactly come naturally, but I figure if I can find the right person—someone big, buff, and crazy intimidating—maybe I can learn to let go.

  And then in walks Ellison Fitch.

  He’s not at all what I thought I was looking for, but with his piercing eyes, his too-personal questions, and his brilliant mind, he’s under my skin from the moment we meet. He makes me squirm in all the best ways with nothing but a look and a word, and I can see he loves that as much as I do. I thought I wanted someone to push me around, but it turns out I want someone to take me apart.

  While Ellison systematically dismantles every one of my barriers, I can’t help but wonder if he’ll ever drop his for me. Does he even want to let me in, or am I too lost, too broken to fill his needs the way he fills mine? I have to know, because now that I’ve had a taste of submission at his hand, I can’t stop thinking about how good it felt to be on my knees for him.

  Let’s be honest here: I’m going to let this man break me into pieces. I only hope he’ll be there to put me back together again.

  Truth By His Hand is a 120,000 word contemporary gay romance with strong BDSM themes and many explicit scenes. It’s a standalone novel with a guaranteed happy ending.

  More Than Luck

  Legendary Pairs Book 2

  It’s never too late to play for keeps.

  Drey Harper isn’t looking for love; he had more than enough heartbreak after a betrayal cost him everything five years ago. Now at 40, he’s the art director for the hit collectible card game Legendary Pairs. Between long hours at work and countless anonymous hookups, Drey’s life seems pretty full…until the day he meets Lucas Cho.

  In the world of Legendary Pairs, 24-year-old Lucas Cho is a superstar. He plays for big money and parties like a rock star, and his arrogant swagger gets him what he wants, at the gaming table or in bed. But when a chance encounter with Drey in a crowded bar leaves him wanting more, all his fortune and skills count for nothing.

  The company thinks Lucas’s glamorous playboy lifestyle is good for business, but it's going too far—Lucas is spinning out of control, and Drey has been sent to clean up the mess and save Lucas’s sponsorship. With a major tournament coming up and Lucas’s contract with Legendary Pairs on the line, it’s up to Drey to keep him out of the bottle and walking that line.

  For Lucas, the stakes have never been higher, but the game he’s playing has nothing to do with cards and everything to do with the stoic older man who’
s captured his attention. Drey knows a relationship between them is out of the question—Lucas is too young, too reckless, too broken—but the more time he spends in Lucas’s company, the more he wants the beautiful disaster he knows he shouldn't have.

  More Than Luck is a 78,000 word stand-alone May/December romance with an enemies-to-lovers story, plenty of heat, and a happily-ever-after ending. It is the second book in the Legendary Pairs series, which can be read in any order.

  Perfect Game

  Legendary Pairs Book 1

  “Hate the player, love the game…or was that the other way around?”

  Research biologist Neil Parkinson had to give up a lot in pursuit of his Ph.D–his friends, his music, his home town–but the one thing he managed to hang on to was Legendary Pairs, the hyper-competitive collectible card game that has propelled so many nerds just like him to fame and fortune. With a new job in a new city, loneliness drives him out of his apartment and into The Ogre’s Den–a haven for local players, amateur and pro alike. Neil never aspired to be a professional gamer, but that was before he met Robin.

  “Why even play, if you don’t play to win?”

  Robin Abboud is cocky, brash, argumentative…and absolutely gorgeous. He may be a lowly caterer with a crappy car, but this game is the one place where he’s a top dog, and boy does he know it. Robin’s end-game goal is to play in the Legendary Pairs Pro Tour; he’s got the skill to do it, and from the moment he meets Neil, he’s convinced Neil does too. His flirty bravado gets under Neil’s skin like nothing else, but he runs so hot-and-cold that Neil can’t figure out if the two of them are competitors, friends…or something more.

  “Don’t tell me this is just a game to you. I know better.”

  When Robin convinces Neil to join him on a road trip to a major tournament, there’s more on the line than just the cash prize. Even as the two of them clash on the field of the tournament, Neil’s feelings for Robin are growing impossible to ignore. But could Robin ever feel the same way? The longer they spend together, the more Neil risks showing his whole hand. Is a perfect match in the cards for these two, or will their in-game rivalry tear them apart?

  Perfect Game is a 25,000 word stand-alone romance novella with lots of heat, deliciously nerdy sweetness, and a happily-ever-after ending with no cliffhangers. It is the first book in the Legendary Pairs series, which can be read in any order.

  Love Keeps Giving

  “How much longer is rock bottom supposed to last?”

  Broke and overstressed, Orlando is doing everything he can to get his life and mental health back on track—and score a date with shy-but-sexy Geoff before the new year. But when the biggest mistake of Orlando’s life reappears on his doorstep with the daughter he never knew he had, he has to drop his plans of romance and focus on what’s important: the eight-month-old baby now depending on him.

  “It’s not every day someone has to learn to be a dad literally overnight.”

  But Geoff isn’t giving up on that date he was promised, baby or no baby, and his adorably dorky charm is enough to sweep Orlando off his feet. Geoff seems too good to be true—patient, generous, smart, funny…he even adores the baby who’s suddenly become the center of Orlando’s world, and his sure and steady hand helps ease the new dad through the panic-inducing trials of parenthood. All that can't come without a catch.

  “Nothing good ever happens this fast.”

  Even as their lives intertwine, Orlando is convinced Geoff is way out of his league, and Geoff has his own reservations. Falling too hard, too fast is a recipe for disaster, but neither man can help getting a little carried away. If they want to truly turn their ragtag group into a family, both of them will have to face their insecurities in this sweet and steamy holiday romance.

  Tying the Knot

  An omega left at the altar.

  It should’ve been a picture-perfect wedding. But when Fox Avery’s fiancée dumps him days before they walk down the aisle, his storybook future is knocked far off-course, along with both types of happy ending. Now he's simply adrift—an omega without an alpha. Unmated and unwanted.

  All Fox wants to do is feel sorry for himself, but somehow his sisters convince him to turn the destination wedding into a family vacation. A jilted omega and his meddling family at the most romantic resort on earth—can it get any more embarrassing?

  Apparently it can—and it does, because when Fox drunkenly decides to get his V-card punched no matter what, the hunk he hits on in the hotel bar turns out to be Dustin Miller: smoking hot alpha, world renowned chef—and Fox's first love.

  An alpha who never forgot.

  Dustin’s only real regret in life is leaving behind his high school sweetheart to go to culinary school abroad. He always meant to come back and sweep Fox off his feet when he had more to offer, when he could provide for Fox the way he really deserved. But Fox moved on in his absence.

  When the love of his life appears out of nowhere with a cheesy pickup line and the same stunning smile that's haunted Dustin’s dreams for years, Dustin is determined to make things right this time. This is the second chance Dustin never thought he'd get, and he won't let it go without a fight.

  A star-crossed couple given a second chance.

  Fox can’t deny he still cares for Dustin, but how can he give his heart to the man who broke it so many years ago? Dustin fears his past mistakes have created a rift too wide to cross. How can he convince Fox that he’s a changed man, and that he’ll take care of him the way an alpha should?

  If the two men want to build a future together, they need to settle their past first. But when the intensity of their time together sends Fox into an early heat, passion threatens to unmoor them both. Their bodies are definitely saying yes, but their hearts are saying…maybe?

  Will the wounds of the past be too much to bear, or can Dustin and Fox find a way to come together and tie the knot?

  Tying the Knot is a stand-alone non-shifter alpha/omega romance with a happily-ever-after ending and no cliffhangers. It features knotting, male pregnancy, and lots of (very long and detailed) steamy scenes.

  Omega Studies

  Matt Guerrero is ready for the freedom that college brings: freedom from his family, and the pressures of being an omega in an alpha’s world. So when the school assigns him an alpha “mentor,” he can think of nothing he wants less than a mandatory babysitter…no matter how hot the guy is.

  Derek Fisher just wants to play it safe after a serious mistake almost cost him everything last year, but it’s hard to keep his head down when his assigned omega keeps making trouble. He’s never been into guys before, but Matt is attractive, smart, and funny, and spending time with him is seriously distracting. Derek wants more, but giving in to his desires could put everything at risk all over again.

  When Matt uncovers a plot that could tear the school apart, he’s all in—on fighting it, and on his relationship with Derek. Derek won’t let him do it alone, but they’ll have to fight the school administration and a ghost from Derek’s past before they can be together the way Derek truly wants: as alpha and omega.

  This is a 57,000 word stand-alone steamy gay romance with lots of heat, non-shifter alpha/omega dynamics, and a happily ever after ending with no cliffhangers.

  His Alpha’s Alpha

  Ethan has been flirting with Nick, the hot alpha photographer who visits his coffee shop, for a few weeks when they make an accidental connection that throws Ethan into an early heat. With an alpha at his side, dealing with his heat should be a simple matter, but there’s just one problem: arrogant alpha Corey Masters, real estate heir, reality TV star, tabloid regular…and Nick’s boyfriend.

  Nick wants Ethan, and Ethan wants Nick. Corey wants nothing to do with omegas, but there’s no way in hell he’s going to leave his lover alone with a stranger. Could there be a future for the three of them, or will two alphas be too many for Ethan to handle?

  This is a non-shifter M/M/M menage romance with the heat level turned up to 11, featuri
ng knotting, male pregnancy, and a happily-ever-after ending with no cliffhangers.

  Omega On the Line

  “Welcome to the Omega Line. This is Dean. What can I do for you tonight?”

  When alpha lawyer Jason decides to call the Omega Line one lonely night, he's immediately enchanted by the voice on the other end. Dean is charming and easy to talk to, and his sinfully sexy voice gives life to Jason’s fantasies. Before long, he's making it a habit and—yeah, maybe falling for the guy a little. Or a lot. It seems like the feeling is mutual, but why is Dean holding back? Can Jason convince Dean to let go of his fears and let an alpha into his life?

  This is a 16,000 word stand-alone gay romance featuring non-shifter alpha/omega dynamics, explicit scenes, knotting, and lots of dirty talk.

  About the Author

  Casey Cameron lives in a rare urban center in the U.S. Midwest, where she can be found among her fellow deviants writing porn in coffee shops. She writes contemporary and paranormal gay romance and erotica with diverse characters, sex-positive relationships, and subversive themes, and apparently has a penchant for writing about men cooking for each other.

  [email protected]